🕊️FeathersJS v5 Dove SupportFeathers-Pinia v3 now directly wraps the Feathers Client. Effortlessly use types directly from your backend API.
🍍Powered by PiniaIt's a joy to use with a clean API and memorable syntax. It's also crazy fast. Really, the speed difference is ludicrous. ➳
🧁Best Practices Baked InVue 3 + Composition API 😎 Common Redux patterns built in. Intelligent Fall-Through Cache. Query the store like a local database.
⚡️Realtime by DefaultRealtime isn't an afterthought. Live Queries mean your UI updates as new data arrives from the Feathers server. No effort required.
🐮SWR with more CowbellFeathers-Pinia can intelligently re-use data across different queries, making apps feel faster. Go Realtime and make SWR obsolete!
🥷Data Modeling Beyond Classv3.0 brings simplified setup and implicit Data Modeling. We've ditched classes for functions and baked it into the Feathers Client.