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Nuxt Module

Feathers-Pinia v3 comes with a Nuxt Module. It provides two main features:


Install the Nuxt module from npm:

npm i nuxt-feathers-pinia

Once installed, add its name to the nuxt.config.ts file. You can optionally use the dirs key to enable auto-imports in other directories (in addition to /composables.)

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  imports: {
    // Not required, but useful: list folder names here to enable additional "composables" folders.
    dirs: [],
  // Enable Nuxt Takeover Mode
  typescript: {
    shim: false,
  // optional, Vue Reactivity Transform
  experimental: {
    reactivityTransform: true,

You can read more about the above configuration at these links:

If you use npm as your package manager and you see the error ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree, add this to your package.json:

  "overrides": {
    "vue": "latest"

Auto-Imported Composables

You can use these utilities with auto-imports configured.

  • createPiniaClient creates a Feathers-Pinia client from a Feathers Client.
  • useInstanceDefaults for implicit modeling, sets up default values on instances.
  • useAuth for creating auth stores.
  • useDataStore for managing non-service data stores with the same local API.
  • defineValues for adding configurable, non-enumerable properties to items.
  • defineGetters for adding configurable, non-enumerable getters to items.
  • defineSetters for adding configurable, non-enumerable setters to items.

Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!