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Sync with Storage

Improve perceived app speed by storing some data client-side.

A super-lightweight utility for syncing with localStorage (or any Storage interface) is built into Feathers-Pinia. The internal syncWithStorage utility watches for changes in specified keys in the store and writes the changes to localStorage. Other features include:

  • Can be enabled for the entire api instance or individual services.
  • Only caches itemsById and pagination attributes, by default.
  • Allows passing custom keys to sync. This is globally configurable or customizable per service.

The typical use case for this would be to speed up the perceived speed of Single Page Applications. The data hydrates so quickly that a SPA will feel like a server-rendered application. After any write to the store, the provided keys will be serialized into localStorage after a 500ms period of inactivity.


Sync All Service Data

Here's how to set it up for the entire Feathers-Pinia client instance:

export const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
  idField: '_id',
  syncWithStorage: true,
  storage: window.localStorage,

Note that you must provide the global-only storage option AND the syncWithStorage option to enable the feature.

Sync Individual Service Data

Here's how to enable storage sync for a single service:

export const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
  idField: '_id',
  syncWithStorage: false,
  storage: window.localStorage,
  services: {
    'my-service': {
      syncWithStorage: true

Customize Storage Keys

You can customize which store keys are synchronized to storage by passing an array to syncWithStorage. You must provide all keys, since this will override the default value, which is ['itemsById', 'pagination'].

export const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
  idField: '_id',
  syncWithStorage: ['itemsById', 'pagination', 'tempsById'],
  storage: window.localStorage,

syncWithStorage Utility

The syncWithStorage utility is also available to use with any Pinia store, including Feathers-Pinia data stores. Here is an example:

import { syncWithStorage, useDataStore } from 'feathers-pinia'
import { createPinia, defineStore } from 'pinia'

const pinia = createPinia()

const useStore = defineStore('custom-tasks', () => {
  const utils = useDataStore({
    idField: 'id',
    customSiftOperators: {},
    setupInstance: (data: any, { api, service, servicePath }) => data
  return { ...utils }
const store = useStore(pinia) // --> See API, below

syncWithStorage(store, ['itemsById', 'pagination'], window.localStorage)


The syncWithStorage utility accepts three arguments:

  • store The initialized pinia store required
  • keys[]An array of strings representing the keys whose values should be cached. required
  • storage{} an object conforming to the Storage interface (same as localStorage, sessionStorage, etc. optional: defaults to localStorage

Clear Storage

If you configured a storage adapter, you can clear all service data from storage by calling api.clearStorage().


There is also a standalone utility:

import { clearStorage } from 'feathers-pinia'


Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!