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Modeling Utilities

Deprecated APIs

The defineValues, defineGetters, and defineSetters utilities are all deprecated. They have been replaced by new Data Modeling utilities in feathers-pinia v4.2.

Learn how to model data with defineValues, defineGetters, and defineSetters

These utilities are a shorthand for adding properties to objects. They can be useful for data modeling. Arrow functions are not supported.

defineValues Deprecated

defineValues(record, object)

For adding configurable, non-enumerable properties to items.

defineGetters Deprecated

For adding configurable, non-enumerable getters to items.

defineGetters(record, objectOfFunctions)

defineSetters Deprecated

defineSetters(record, objectOfFunctions)

For adding configurable, non-enumerable setters to items.

Example Associations

import { defineGetters, defineSetters } from 'feathers-pinia'

export const api = createPiniaClient(feathersClient, {
  idField: '_id',
  whitelist: ['$regex'],
  paramsForServer: [],
  services: {
    users: {
      idField: 'id',
    contacts: {
      whitelist: ['$test'],
      setupInstance(data: any) {
        const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ name: '', age: 0 }, data)
        return withDefaults
    tasks: {
      skipGetIfExists: true,
    authors: {
      setupInstance(author, { app }) {
        const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ setInstanceRan: false }, author)
        const withAssociations = defineGetters(withDefaults, {
          posts(this: Authors) {
            return app.service('posts').useFind({ query: { authorId: } })
          comments(this: Authors) {
            return app.service('comments').useFind({ query: { authorId: } })
        const withAssociationSetters = defineSetters(withAssociations, {
          posts(this: Posts, post: Posts) {
            author.setInstanceRan = true
            if ( && !this.authorIds.includes(
        return withAssociationSetters
    posts: {
      setupInstance(post, { app }) {
        const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ authorIds: [] }, post)
        const withAssociations = defineGetters(withDefaults, {
          authors(this: Posts) {
            return app.service('authors').useFind({ query: { id: { $in: this.authorIds } } })
          comments(this: Posts) {
            return app.service('comments').useFind({ query: { postId: } })
        return withAssociations
    comments: {
      setupInstance(comment, { app }) {
        const withDefaults = useInstanceDefaults({ description: '', isComplete: false }, comment)
        const withAssociations = defineGetters(withDefaults, {
          post(this: Comments) {
            return app.service('posts').useGet(this.postId)
          author(this: Comments) {
            return app.service('authors').useGet(this.authorId)
        return withAssociations

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