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Feathers-Pinia Services

Service Interface Overview

The Feathers-Pinia Service Interface adds methods to the Feathers Service Interface, allowing the service to work as a functional replacement for a Model constructor. In short, in Feathers-Pinia v3 the service is the Model.

Here's an overview of the full Feathers-Pinia Service Interface:

const { api } = useFeathers()
const service = api.service('users')

// create data instances

// api methods
service.findOne(params) // unique to feathers-pinia
service.get(id, params)
service.create(id, params)
service.patch(id, params)
service.remove(id, params)

// store methods
service.getFromStore(id, params)
service.createInStore(data, params) // data is a record or array or records
service.patchInStore(idData, params) // idData is one or more ids or records
service.removeFromStore(idData, params) // idData is one or more ids or records

// hybrid methods
service.useFind(params, options)
service.useGet(id, options)
service.useGetOnce(id, options)

// event methods
service.on(eventName, eventHandler)
service.emit(eventName, data)
service.removeListener(eventName, eventHandler)

The "new" Method


The "new" method allows creation of model instances. It takes the place of calling new Model(data) in previous Feathers-Pinia releases.

Customizing Instances

Customizing the default state of each instance is done through setupInstance in each service's configuration.

Service Methods

Service methods are convenience wrappers around the Feathers Client service provided in the options.


await todoStore.find({ query: {} })

Uses the Feathers Client to retrieve records from the API server. On an SSR server, find data will be marked as ssr: true, which allows extra queries to be skipped on the client.


await service.findOne({ query: {} })

Uses the Feathers Client to retrieve the first matching record from the API server. On an SSR server, find data will be marked as ssr: true, which allows extra queries to be skipped on the client.


await service.count({ query: { isComplete: false } })

Like find, but returns the number of records that match the query. It does not return the actual records.

get(id, params)

await todoStore.get(1)

Uses the Feathers Client to retrieve a single record from the API server.

Uses the Feathers Client to send an update request to the API server.

patch(id, data, params)

await todoStore.patch(1, { isComplete: true })

Uses the Feathers Client to send an patch request to the API server.

remove(id, params)

await api.service.remove(id)

Uses the Feathers Client to send a remove request to the API server.

Service Utils

These utilities use a combination of multiple store methods to eliminate boilerplate and improve developer experience.

Service Events

Services are EventEmitter instances which emit service events when received. Services can be used as a data-layer Event Bus. You can even use custom event names:

service.on('custom-event', (data) => {
  console.log(data) // { test: true }

service.emit('custom-event', { test: true })


Register event handlers to listen to events.


Register an event handler that only occurs once.


Remove an event handler.

Many thanks go to the Vue and FeathersJS communities for keeping software development FUN!